wHoa! waT a daE tO staRt wiTh!
fiRsTLy i had tO waKe uP @ 7 to meeT KJ & SharyL @ 7.30 at 201 mac fer brkfast... it is reaLLy 7 earLy 8 eaRly Lor... in The enD onI mE aTe brKfasT! -_-"'
afT thaT, we tOOk buS 518 tO tP... omG it's sO eX! $1+ neh... haha
it's the 1st time they saw me wiF mOi gLasseS... haha... dono it's NeRd oR iS iT "zai" ar... haha... kept taking pics at the Principles of Mgt LectuRe... LOL did loTs oF fuNny faCes! haha :D
afT That, scH eNDed aT 1pm as tHere iS no APEL todaE! yeaH!! haha... buT iT waS reaLLy boRing tO go hoMe eaRLy, so we had LunCh @ MenSa... The Jap fd(teriyaki chicken)... err... didnt taste tt gd... & it is ReaLLy ex! The cheNdoL... err... wasn't tat deLicioUs 2! aNd iT's reaLLy econoMic Lor... LOL... 70 cents fer haLf a bowL!
Aft tat waS suppoSed tO pOOL with MuD & KJ de... buT KJ weNt boWLinG wif hiS freNS... waiTed Fer him buT i shoPPed fEr mY goGGLes Wif mUd tiLL i feeL LikE sLPin... deN gO hoMe Lor... deN jusT niCe! i boaRdeD tHe buS Le hE teLL me hE finiSheD boWLinG Le... arGh... stuPid daY!