Ways to destress.
- cycling.
- camping.
- eating.
- watching tv dramas.
- watching movies.
- shopping.
- blasting music.
- screaming.
- singing.
- surfing the net.
- gaming.
- world cup.
- surfing friendster.
- msn.
- making stories with song titles of an album.
- catching plays.
- blogging.
- etcetera.
i went cycling and camping with homies at east coast park.
volleyball and soccer.
i cycled 2 hrs. damn. i love cycling. i need a bike pls.
a pity kenneth cant stay. haha.
caught world cup at the Mac.
the feeling of waking up is so tiring yet refreshing.
freezing yet warm.
i just love that feeling.
oh. i was being sucha racist there. haha. cant help it. it just came to me.
i wasnt the only one tho. wahahahaha.
uno attack and monopoly.
left me nothing but bodyache and bruises all over.
joke of the day:
Joan Tay dropped her shoe cos she was so excited cycling down the slope! hahaha.
worst thing. i gave a sudden brake and Priscilla banged into me!! bruise.
went back to work. m1 again~
need money desperately. hahaha. need a new phone. need a bicycle. need shopping!!!
damn. im running outta time!!
Contract report due on Monday.
my part is so god damn long and confusing.