Friday, October 20, 2006

Chilling drink for a Hot Hot Singapore-

Old Fashioned Pink Lemonade

1 1/4 cup sugar (if using unsweetened cranberry juice, 1 cup if using sweetened)

4 cups water (divided)
1 cup cranberry juice
1 cup lemon juice

1 Make a "simple syrup" by heating sugar and 1 cup of the water in a small saucepan until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat.

2 Stir together the remaining water, cranberry juice, lemon juice and simple syrup. Make adjustments to taste. Chill for an hour, or add ice to cool.

Serves 6.


There is some use of cranberry juice by people with spinal paralysis; regular consumption of the juice is supposed to reduce the rate of urinary tract infections. While much of the evidence is equivocal, a number of double-blind clinical trials have been carried out that suggest there actually is an effect: a component of the juice appears to competitively inhibit bacterial attachment to the bladder and urethra[1] allowing the bacteria to be flushed out more easily. Cranberries also act as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial lactobacillus bacteria while inhibiting the growth of harmful E. coli and listeria.

-extracted from wikipedia

Look at the cranberry harvest in New Jersey