Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mango sago pomelo cream

Hey people,

Ang Eh's (that's ME) first attempt at cooking my favourite dessert, Mango Sago Pomelo Cream, is successful!!

First attempt at cooking dessert and I must say that I am so smart! hahaha
Tastes well, only that I put too little sago pearls, but still it was excellent! heeeeee.
Hey i got a testor k -> Mommy.
Mommy says it's nice! :D (altho she kept grumbling and grumbling about all the things in the world when she came home, claiming that i was the one who's grumbling :/)
YAY. If you guys are coming over my house this few days might have a chance to taste it. Ok chalet people may have a chance to try it too. Otherwise, next time i cook for u guys k?
See ya and take care!

ang eh.