Saturday, November 25, 2006

sports time-

Winsor said i seldom blog, which is quite true for now. LOL. ok because u said that, i'll blog today.
my lack of time, plus tiredness, plus sleepiness, plus laziness constitutes. plus we need more time for sports..
in prep for NAFA test. arrr i hate 2.4km!!
exercise thrice a week, at least 1 hr each. How healthy? hahaha!
today's Badminton was super fun with Wine, Sheena, Amanda & Rachel.
it's a laughing day, i couldnt stop laughing at certain points of time. niwae its a great sport!
i wanna live healthy!! YAY.

went to Cafe Cartel with Wine, Vickie & Kannan.
We LOVE bread with SALTED butter! muahahahaha.
they had ribs and i had Hawaiian Pork Chop. How nice? HUGE portion. no choice but forced myself to finish the 3rd piece of meat. ok lah actually got a choice. LOL
and we couldnt stop laughing after our meals. laughed til we 4gt why we laughed. i missed this feeling - laughing non-stop for no particular reason! it's so funny how certain ppl's laughters are so contagious.

Back to schoolwork..
Conveyancing and Family Law are murderers. Their bloody hands are haunting me now.
Projects seems everlasting now.. They are forever there and i havent touched on anything. arrr!
i need sleep!

now to real work..
been working on weekends. It's a rare opportunity that i can have offdays on weekends.
so im helping out at the Standard Chartered Marathon pre-event the next 2 days. So that's y...

Stress level to the MAX!
exercise. study. work. MONEY!!