its been a couple of days since the last day of my end-of-year exam papers.
im in poly, waduya expect? End of feb is the end of year 2.
niwae havent been preparing well for exams ever since young. so is now.
can't expect much from my papers so.
sit and wait for another 10 more days for the results.
den this question would be quite popular among TP students:
"eh what u got?"
was just writing a little bit of "metal scraps" minus the "metal s______s"
felt cold? i guess u might be sick.
aft exams was just rotting ard and now its just work n money.
Rotted at Winsor's house where he cooked for us. den it was still the Lunar New Year season, of cos typical Chinese like me would be playing blackjack and "
sah gee ah pek"!
cant really recall what i did but i went out with my friends and watched movies like
Dreamgirls and Hong Kong show
Lady Iron Chef*.
*Pls take not it's not iron lady chef.rotting's wat im best at. ima couch potato.
just tat im not overweight and i dont drink beer and i dont just wear underwear infront of my TV and PC. and i do get involved in physical activities sometimes. i work. hah. love watching tv progs.
and ive got a really really great news. i can finally travel overseas with my fellow good friends. tho not far, it's my first, small step towards independence.
if not for Joan's parents who would be going with us and paying for our lodging, I wouldn't be able to persuade my parents to let me go. heh.