i was happily waiting for my one and only bus that i can take to the tuition place and i cannot afford to miss the bus...
and then the bus arrived the bus stop, i happily stood up and the stupid bus driver %&%*)(**(^$#@#^& didn't see me!!!!
The stupid bus driver happily drove pass me like i was invisible.
ok nvm i boarded the bus which came after that bus to chase after that bus like u see Jackie Chan always chase ppl. he run la, but i clever i use bus.
and then, i alighted at the next stop and RAAAN to the front of the bus stop to board the bus... phew! luckily can catch.. KNN
ok nvm after tuition also...
i had to chase for the bus which was arriving.. %^*)#@$^
shit happens...
ok now i tink we should join the EMO population...
