Saturday, September 15, 2007

4e2 bbq

Pictures of the night:

Sam, Part-time cook, specialising in gyoza-frying-become-pastaThat's the pasta evolved from the gyoza
We have Hey! Gorgeous Pin Wen

It's only the 3rd day at work and I'm starting to get bored and sick of the work. I think I don't need 3 months to determine if I wanna walk this path.. I have the answer now.. haha

Went to SubCt today, into the chambers, in front of a Settlement Judge and District Judge. Everything goes so fast. The argument, their brains. wooooot

Had dinner with Sheena and Winsor and I don't know why I laughed so much and so funnily and said so much crap. Probably due to my tiredness. HAHA! im damn tired from ytd's bbq.

i neeeed sleeeeeeeeep!