Tuesday, January 29, 2008

haven't done this for a long time...


**plays Simple Plan's new song - Running out of Time!**
so so so can't wait for their new album release.
oops I'm back to punk rock! XP

Just had my IP test just now. And I feel like drowning myself in the Antarctica ocean so that I can freeze myself and numb all of my feelings xxxxxxxxxxx

Went to shop for CNY food with Sheena just now at NTUC cos my parents din have the time to shop. So I bought $127.!? amount of food.
OMG. I should've bought lesser and spent them on my new year clothes! hehehe.
OK nvm.
I had no choice but to push the trolley back home with the food.
It was a near 30 minutes walk.
It's been long since I walked. Like seriously walked for a long distance.

Sheena accompanied me to walk home. Thank you Sheena. Cos I know that it is how rare that you will WALK.
We walked the walk and we talked the talk.
We crossed the traffic lights, passed 4 bus stops, strolled on the pathway and in the park, then to my house!

I didn't care what people may think. (Who's this idiot pushing the trolley around the roads?!)
Why care? Just do what I like.
You should, too!


Monday, January 28, 2008


It was Law Arts Night last Friday.
Where else do you get to have Arts Night where you have the whole diploma course to have a mini concert?
All the talented musicians and singers of the law cohort suddenly appeared.

Mr Ferlin's leaving TP with us. He was my first care person in TP and the whole class were all so afraid to be in his lesson as there were so many rules and regulations in his lesson:

Nobody is to enter the class later than him.
Doors have to be closed softly.
Bags on the floor.
Don't expect to be in the class if your tutorials are undone.

He gave a speech on that night and we were all moved by what he said.

To Mr Ferlin: I am sure you've made a difference!

I am amazed at how time really passes us by. Remember the days when it was only freshmen orientation and now we're graduating soon. Those days can never be replaced.

Click here for full album to TP's Law Arts Night 08.

CT test sucked. i got tricked.
OK IP test tmr. and i haven't studied. damn. lemme get my brains working and study for the damn test!

suck in the air through your mouth and say SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
am getting annoyed.

Can't you see that I'm stressed out over here?
Even if you can't see it, I've been saying it.
Some little things in the every day life that doesn't seem so important can really get on my nerves when what you say are contradicting with your actions.
Am getting really annoyed when what I have been doing, been so hardworking and been such a good girl; studying, doing projects, doing housework, being independent, self-disciplined, coming home before midnight, not going out late at night, drinking, smoking and betting is what every parents long for in their children and what you want is just what you want. And to think that you could say that I've been becoming worst and worst? hah wth. and don't blame it on others. If there's anything or anyone, there can only be me, cos I'm the ultimate decision maker.


Jonathan Cainer's daily forecasts (Taurean)
Are you indispensable? Irreplaceable? Unique? Of course you are! And that's precisely why you can afford to sit back and let others act out some of the roles that you normally reserve for yourself. Nobody else can ever be who you are. Only weak people strive to protect their positions. Strong ones see no need. They simply know that they are unassailable. So, are you weak or are you strong? That largely depends on how you choose to see yourself. Have faith, this week, in your own power and luck.

I am strong enough. There's no need to protect who I am. Who I am is who I am.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

functionality = nil

my mind can't function properly. i don feel like doing my work. I think it's stress overload and my brain doesn't feel like working when it knows that there're so many things waiting for it to work out.

in another words, I'm lazy :/

Carla Bruni - Those Dancing Days Are Gone

I think I need to listen to her songs in order to do my work. hahaha.
Btw she's French President's girlfriend, and she used to be a model and now she's a singer. i like her voice.

ok lemme get to my work NOW.

au revoir

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

im jealous. HAHA

My brother has been in Uppsala University, Sweden for a week. And I'm so jealous of him. It's snowing there now. I wanna play in the snow!!!

Everyone cycles there; transportation expenses costs a big bomb. So he got a supercool 2nd hand PINK bike.

He's got a supercool lecturer who looks like Albert Einstein. And I mean Einstein. Not Law Einstein.

AND there's a supercool sports shop that sells supercool stuff.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Personality test.

ooh i love these type of tests.
Got it from beng's blog.

Jung Typology Test

I'm an Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving (ISFP)

ISFPs are the first to hear the different drummer. Many eagerly plunge into new fashions, avant garde experiences, 'hip' trends--some even setting the trends.

More in touch with the reality of their senses than their INFP counterparts, ISFPs live in the here and now. Their impulses yearn to be free, and are often loosed when others least expect it. The ISFP who continually represses these impulses feels 'dead inside' and may eventually cut and run. (One ISFP friend has become nonambulatory within the past few years. He will still, on impulse, leave home in the middle of the night and go to Las Vegas or wherever, regardless of the difficulties of his physical condition.)

ISFPs may be quite charming and ingratiating on first acquaintance, flowing with compliments which may (or may not) be deserved. On other occasions, the same individual may be aloof and detached. Some ISFP males are fiercely competitive, especially in sport or table games, and may have great difficulty losing. This competitive nature, also seen in other SP types, sometimes fosters 'lucky,' 'gut' feelings and a willingness to take risks.

Organized education is difficult for the majority of ISFPs, and many drop out before finishing secondary education. Their interest can be held better through experiential learning, at which many excel. ISFPs will practice playing an instrument or honing a favored skill for hours on end, not so much as practice as for the joy of the experience.

Differential diagnosis:

ISFPs are less fantasy-oriented than INFPs. These types are often confused, however, INFPs lean strongly to daydreams, poetry, prose and more philosophical pursuits; ISFPs often live out 'id' experiences rather than writing or even talking about them.

ISFJs are driven by the conventional, by 'should's and 'ought's; ISFPs internalize their Feeling (by nature a judging function) which bursts out spontaneously and leaves as quickly and mysteriously as it came.

Because of these variant expressions of Feeling judgement, ISFPs are sometimes confused with ESFJs, but keep themselves more aloof, more often concealing the feelings that ESFJs are so apt to expose.

ESFPs express thoughts more readily (and, in the main, skillfully). ISFPs can and do perform admirably in the spotlight, but generally have little to say about the performance. For example, few ISFPs would be disc-jockeys, a field strongly represented by ES_Ps.

Functional Analysis:

Introverted Feeling

Feeling, unbridled by the external forces of society and substance, is the dominant function. ISFPs spontaneously develop their own codes and credos, about which they are quite sober and intense. ISFPs are questors, driven to find the pure and ideal, as personally and individually defined. Feeling may temporarily turn outward, but cannot be long sustained beyond its cloistered home.

If the individual has values greater than herself, feeling may express itself in valiant acts of selflessness. Turned in upon self, however, it becomes an unscrupulous, capricious enigma, capable even of heinous acts of deception and treachery.

Extraverted Sensing

ISFPs keep a finger on the pulse of here and now. They are more adept at doing than considering, at acting than reflecting, at tasting than wondering. As do most SPs, ISFPs keenly sense color, sound, texture, and movement. It is not unusual for ISFPs to excel in sensory, motor, or kinesthetic abilities.

ISFPs cherish their impulses. Some of the most beautiful, graceful, and artistic performances are the result of this drive for physical, sensate expression.

Introverted iNtuition

Tertiary intuition works best in the background of the ISFP's inner world. Perhaps this is the source of the "gut feeling" SPs consult in matters of chance. However "lucky" the ISFP may be, intuition as a means of communication is a poor servant, evidenced in spoonerisms, and non sequiturs and mixed metaphors.

Extraverted Thinking

The ISFP may employ Extraverted Thinking in external situations requiring closure. As is the case with inferior functions, such Thinking behaves in an all or nothing manner. Thus, as with other FP types, the ISFP's Extraverted Thinking is at risk for a lack of context and proportion. In most cases, persons of this type enjoy greater facility operating in the open-ended style of sensing, implying the opinions of feeling values in the indirect fashion characteristic of introverted functions.

Famous ISFPs:

Marie Antoinette
Auguste Rodin

U.S. Presidents
Ulysses S. Grant
Millard Fillmore, "The American Louis Philippe"
Warren G. Harding

Fred Astaire
Marilyn Monroe
Elizabeth Taylor
Yogi Berra, professional baseball player ("It's deja vu all over again.")
Dan Rather
Orrin Hatch, U.S. Senator
Ervin "Magic" Johnson, NBA basketball star
Patrick Duffey
Dan Quayle, U.S. Vice President, 1988-1992
Paul McCartney
Christopher Reeve
Michael Jackson
Kevin Costner
Greg Louganis, U.S. Olympic gold medalist
Brooke Shields
Britney Spears
John Travolta
Ashton Kutcher
Donald Trump

Copyright © 1996-2007 Joe Butt

I'm an Artisan

The Portait of the Composer (ISFP)
Besides being concrete in speech and utilitarian in getting what they want, the Composer Artisans are accomodating and attentive in their social roles. Composers are just as reluctant to direct others' behavior as are Performers, though they appear even more so, since they are more attentive.

While all the Artisans are artistic in nature, Composers (perhaps ten per cent of the population) seem to excel in the "fine arts," having not only a natural grace of movement, but also an innate sense what fits and what doesn't fit in artistic compositions. Of course, composing must not be thought of as only writing music, but as bringing into harmonious form any aspect of the world of the five senses, and so when an especially gifted painter, sculptor, choreographer, film maker, songwriter, chef, decorator, or fashion designer shows up, he or she is likely to be an Composer.

Composers, like the other Artisans, have a special talent for "tactical" variation, and such talent differs radically from that possessed by Idealists, Rationals, and Guardians (who have their own unique and inherent abilities). As the word "tactical" implies, Artisans keep closely in "touch" with the physical world, their senses keenly tuned to reality. But, while the Crafter is attuned to the tool and its uses, the Composer is attuned to sensory variation in color, line, texture, aroma, flavor, tone-seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, and hearing in harmony. This extreme concreteness and sensuality seems to come naturally to the Composers, as if embedded "in the warp and woof" of their make.

Bob Dylan, Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Cher, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mel Brooks, Steven Spielberg, and Neil Simon are examples of a Composer Artisans.

Try it! it's damn interesting.
Jung Typology Test

a moving dance

She lost her arm. He lost his leg.

Makes me feel that we have been taking all the things in the world for granted. Only losing them will make us realise how important they are to us.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


how the hell did they record my NAPFA results?
They put my standing broad jump as 160cm = E ?????!!!!! (it is 180cm!)

And pls follow the standard which I posted in my previous post. THAT is the correct one. DO NOT FOLLOW THE ONE THEY SHOW DURING NAPFA!


whoa end up my 2.4km become an E also.
then my Inclined pull up become D.
become 16 points only.
become BRONZE only.

should i retake? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I could've gotten a Gold.

Had my NAPFA test yesterday morning.
It's a bloody scorching sunny day - The worst ever weather to take 2.4km run.

All was well but 2.4km run. Damn! I regretted stopping to walk at ard 3/5 of the run. I could've gotten a C.

Here's my results:
Sit Ups: 30 - B
Standing Broad Jump: 180cm - C (Hey not bad k, i took only 1 try 180 cm alr)
Sit and Reach: 44cm - B
Inclined Pull Up: 8 - C (I think I could've done more, but C is enough)
4 x 10m Shuttle Run: 11.5 sec - B
2.4km walk/run: 16:40 min - D (84th out of the 235 participants guys and gals. muahaha not bad huh)


To get Gold:
3 x B = 3 x 4 pts = 12 pts
3 x C = 3 x 3 pts = 9 pts
12+9 = 21 pts

at least 21 pts to get a gold, with all stations above C.

Damn the bloody 2.4km run which caused me to get only 20 pts and a D.
damn. damn. damn. damn.

And now i only got a Silver. Now I feel like retaking. HAHA. But not only a bloody sunny morning, and an empty stomach. OK I've decided not to retake cos my sit up sucks. Now my tailbone hurts.

wokay im gonna go CNY shopping later. with Sam and Ken. i havent gotten any :/
Then Family dinner at Kushin Bo (Japanese Buffet which is bloody expensive but highly recommended.) ok my bro going off Monday midnight. I shall see if the food is really that nice at Kuishin Bo, but I don't eat Seafood, so i'm missing out a lotta food.

important notice:
pls do not refer to the previous tabulation of the NAPFA standard that I posted. It is different from the one they show us on the day we take the test. The standard for some of the stations are lower.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My stress-est moment

Tmr's the due date for my Shipping Law project.

I wanna thank my friends who are there for me, giving me so much support. You know who you are. I really appreciate it.

Thank you.

Monday, January 07, 2008

so many reports.

Shipping Law's next - Due this Friday, 9am.
Good news: I haven't started yet :/

Saturday, 7am: NAPFA test.
I don't aim too high la. I'd be contented with a Silver :)

NAPFA standard (click to enlarge)

Sheena, I included yours too :D

19 Males, I included yours too :D

Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday

Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday

Sunday, January 06, 2008

project period

After menstrual period and now it's project period.
I think the symptoms for both of the above periods are similar.

TWP project due tmr 12pm.
Project requirement: draft a Will. & a letter

I can't help but suddenly find this funny doing this project:
I'm drafting a Will. I'm dying!!!

The above sentence can have 2 meanings:
  1. I'm dying from doing this project; and
  2. I'm really dying.

And for now, it's the first meaning.

Listening to jazz music always helps me gain concentration to do work and study for exams. Let us drown ourselves into a sea of jazz...

Now, imagine a sea of jazz and we slowly walk into the sea and drown ourselves :/ XP

Norah Jones - Come Away With Me

Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song

Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us
With their lies

I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
So won't you try to come

Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you

And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me

who wants to come away with me?

Ps. Jazz usually gives someone a dreamy feeling and therefore many jazz videos are surreal and sometimes senseless.


everyone's leaving on a jet plane.

My elder bro's leaving for Sweden, 14 Jan 08, 6 months, school exchange.
Me leaving for Taiwan, 11 Mar 08 to 21 Mar 08, travel for fun, with friends.

I needa save more money to enjoy my trip.

in a floaty mood now. im there but not there. so im hanging somewhere in the air. i dono wat either. hah don care.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

elmo's world~

You Are Elmo

Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do!

You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing.

You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you.

How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!"

Sheena's Cookie Monster.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Year 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope the new year would be a better year.

Review of Year 2007:
Many things happened but I can't remember all of them.

School. Projects. Law Games. Open House. FOC and FOW. Week Zero Freshmen Orientation. Law Orientation. Dragonboat race. SIP. Reports. Tests and exams. Badminton. Squash. Swimming. Jogging. Napfa instructing. Genting. Chalets. Rotting. Sprees. Money. Friends. Family. Myself.

Too many.
Good and bad.

So many shits happened.
Let me just hope that the year ahead will be a much better one.

For the Year 2008:
19 years 8 months on earth and I still have not any goals in life.

Life is like a boat.

We are born into a world of questions, options and confusions.
Some are born small and fragile.
Some are big and luxurious.

I am finally about to set sail.
Which direction to go?
I don't know.

The sea is vast. The horizon is endless.
There is no road, but a path you have to create.

I see the many people who have reached a shore, still creating a route and many lost in the sea.
Where will I be?

I will have to brave the storm, the sun and the ferocious seas.
What will be of me?
Where will I end up?
Will I find a shore?
Will I reach a shore?
Oh it's sucha chore!

Nobody knows who I really am. Me neither.

I'm ready to sail. But where to?
Let me find the definition of my life and set sail towards of my destination.

I've always been lost in this insane world and have no goals and aim.

When I was young, I had an ambition. But as I grew older, I became lost as I got to know the world more, and know the limitations to what I can do and what I am approved to do. It's time I set a goal and do what I like.

My new year resolution: Define my life!

I wish everyone a Happy 2008 and all the years ahead!