Sunday, June 08, 2008


Stupid weather, time and again failed me and yh and we cannot go pulau ubin.

But, nvm. We went to Tampines Mall and the "old" soul-less arcade is no longer there! It's a "new" arcade, at the old place in addition to a lot of new machines and prizes, and many many people! Like seriously MANY.
I was surprised to see the machines which you can "giap" soft toys, they call it the UFO Catcher or Claw Vending Machine.

With $25 and 20 minutes, we got a hell load of sweets, hit Jackpot and won the black Jack Skellington!

I must tell you how lihai yh is:
with 5 tries, yh got the Winnie the Pooh from the UFO Catcher for me! and these are not small, they're big. muahahahaha (we used to try at Suntec like tens and thousands of times but we just couldn't get any.)

Look at the tricks the Japs come up with to catch the prize from the machine..

we didn't watch the video before we play k? i guess we were just lucky.
End of our Pulau Ubin Day.